About Us

Our team of young and talented designers, engineers and 3D visualizers is trying to fulfill it's clients expectations and wishes. Developing interior projects by individual task including private estates (houses, apartments, etc.), hotels, clubs, offices and exhibition areas.

Services of Iris Design Ltd.: taking photographs of project's place, creative design, planning and architectural drawings, colors, furnitures, materials and accessories selection. Creating 3D visualizations, connections with distributors and impersonators. Realization quality is guaranteed by the author control and client's approvement.
Вероника Илиева
Veronika Ilieva
0878 311 507
Тонка Михайлова
Tonka Mihaylova
office coordinator
0878 311 535
Донка Зоичкина
Donka Zoichkina
office coordinator
0878 311 513
Здравка Беровска
Zdravka Berovska
graphic & interior designer
0878 311 503
Стилиян Кюшелиев
Stiliyan Kyusheliev
3D animator
0878 311 512
Ивайло Илиев
Ivaylo Iliev
sales associate
0878 312 512
Емилия Илиева
Emilia Ilieva
administrative associate
0878 311 513
Мирослав Стефанов
Miroslav Stefanov
3D designer
0878 311 049
Владимир Тодоров
Vladimir Todorov
3D designer
0878 311 513
арх. Ивайло Нинов
arch. Ivaylo Ninov
interior designer-engineer
0878 197 886
Станислав Кънчев
Stanislav Kunchev
interior designer-engineer
0878 311 047
Марти Ангелов
Marti Angelov
web guru
0878 311 513
Янчо Янчев
Yancho Yanchev
0878 311 519; 02/489 47 42



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GSM: +359 878 311 513;
email: web@irisdesign.bg